Compost’s Giants

Announcing …
COMPOST’S GIANTS – The 21st Annual Great Pumpkin Growing Contest
Get ready to GROW!
Welcome to this great, but very friendly, competition
As a participant in this year’s contest, you will join an enthusiastic and growing crowd of organics recyclers (compost AND anaerobic digestion professionals, that is)
whose objective is to Grow ’em Big with Compost! The heaviest pumpkin at the time of weigh-in will be this year’s national champion of the pumpkin patch.
As the winner, you will receive bragging rights as well as $500 to donate to a horticultural initiative in your area.
In addition to these rules and regulations, your sign-up kit provides you with an excellent source of websites and tips to learn about the fine art of pumpkin growing.
This year we will once again be providing seeds of “Dill’s Atlantic Giant” with our starter packages with seeds from pumpkins 1000 lbs +!
Each of these packages has only two seeds, but your chances of growing impressive pumpkins will be very high…
Registration & Rules 2023 Pumpkin Contest
Pumpkin Growing Tips
Reporting Form 2023
The Compost Council of Canada, the national non-profit organization, has been dedicated to the advancement of organics recycling and the return of organic matter to the soil for the past 30 years. Spearheading standards, supporting regulations and guidelines, establishing training as well as advocacy and awareness programs, The Council supports organics recycling and soil health advocates and program leaders across the country. Included among the Council’s roster of programs are: the Compost Quality Alliance, Certified Compost Facility Operators, National (and now, International) Compost Awareness Week, Plant-Grow-Share a Row, the Biology of Soil Health as well as The Soil Safari.
Please contact us at or 1-877-571-GROW (4769).
The Compost Council of Canada is the national non-profit, member-driven organization dedicated to advocating and advancing organics residuals recycling and compost use. The Council serves as the central resource and network for the compost and organics recycling industry in Canada and, through its members, contributes to the environmental sustainability of the communities in which they operate.