Farmers across Canada are becoming partners with their soil, working to build ever greater soil health. Sometimes called the “living skin of the Earth”, soil and its health offers a powerhouse of opportunities for both agriculture as well as our environment, influencing crop productivity, water quality and overall ecosystem resilience.

During the last year, our Council, with support from Agriculture & AgriFood Canada, travelled across Canada to interview farmers who are changing various farm practices within their operations to reflect their ever-increasing focus on soil health.

This commitment is neither easy nor without considerable investment. But these farmers as well as many others are making this personal commitment and, in so doing, are contributing to greater food security, cleaner water, richer biodiversity and a calmer climate.

We welcome you to meet these farmers, learn about their efforts and beliefs and be inspired. Along with these video interviews, we’ve included a series of fact sheets that detail the various soil health practices which they are using.

And what they are doing at their farm to not only fight climate change but also support greater food security, water quality and biodiversity, you can as well in your own garden and landscapes. It’s just a matter of scale. Check out our information series: Canadian Farmers and Gardeners: Stewards of Healthy Soil to learn more.

Mat Redsell
Verger Labonté
Moondance Organics
Ferme Jocelyn
Michon inc
Meguma Meadows Flower Farm
La Ferme Ridel
Les Jardins Carya
Ferme GuyClair
Les Fermes Miracle
Wray Ranch 3
Wray Ranch 2
Wray Ranch 1
Tullichewan Ranch
W.A. Farms
Wunder Farm
Little Fields Farm
Land of Dreams
Glen Lake Pasture Farm
Hayfield Farm
Northridge Farms
Ferme Oneka
Happiness by the Acre
Ferme Maraichere le Baluchon
3 Sisters Garden –
Randy Cross 2
3 Sisters Garden –
Randy Cross 1
Ferme Panama
Ferme Albert Forgues – Danik Forgues
LaHave Regenerative farm – Montana Piñeyro
A l’Herbe,
Bouvillons de Paturage
Coburn Farms –
Tyler Coburn 3
Coburn Farms –
Tyler Coburn 2
Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards
Nathan Phinney
Holly McComber,
Mohawk Territory
Norm Lamothe
Benjamin Bridge –
Steve Ells
John Seca
Barnyard Organics
Randy Dykstra
NVK Nursery
Coburn Farms –
Tyler Coburn 1
Nic Ross – NR FARMS

The 1st C:
Control Compaction
The 2nd C:
Cultivate Carefully
The 3rd C:
Continuous Living Plants
The 4th C:
Cover the Soil
The 5th C:
Crop and Animal Diversity
The 6th C:
Compost and Other Soil Improvers

The 1st C:
Control Compaction
The 2nd C:
Cultivate Carefully
The 3rd C:
Continuous Living Plants
The 4th C:
Cover the Soil
The 5th C:
Crop and Animal Diversity
The 6th C:
Compost and Other Soil Improvers

The Compost Council of Canada is the national non-profit, member-driven organization dedicated to advocating and advancing organics residuals recycling and compost use. The Council serves as the central resource and network for the compost and organics recycling industry in Canada and, through its members, contributes to the environmental sustainability of the communities in which they operate.